Consulting services.

I work with start ups and existing organizations who either find themselves at a place where they need to build out a sales organization OR they already have a sales organization that isn’t delivering what they want.


Sales Consulting.

My clients often find themselves at a milestone or crossroad, where their start up has reached a point where it’s time to build a formal sales team OR the sales organization they’ve just been handed the reins to needs a makeover. That’s where I come in. Whether it’s still in the ‘idea’ phase or it’s been around a long time, I start with a sales fundamental diagnostic and build out a recommendation, implementation and execution plan that sets them up for success. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty either—the implementation and execution elements are my favorite parts! These engagements are based on scope and need, and customized proposals are built accordingly.

  • Sales organization fundamental diagnostic

  • Recommendation and implementation plan

  • Work with you to implement / execute

  • On the ground observation / participation (for diagnostic, implementation, execution)

  • Sales management / execution - driving high performing teams

  • Leadership development

Coach / Consultant.

Many of my clients are Founders / CEO’s or in strategic sales leadership positions. They’re tasked with building out a sales organization, ‘fixing’ an existing one, or changing the strategic direction of a sales organization or team. I partner with individuals as a hybrid coach / consultant to help them tackle high level strategy and foundational elements, work on specific topics or initiatives, and review and advise on existing setups. Our engagements are billed hourly for flexibility and completely customizable:

  • One-on-one coach / consulting sessions

  • Participation in internal/external/ meetings, forums, interviews

  • Observation & feedback/recommendation of internal processes

  • Observation & feedback of internal/external (sales) meetings

  • Performance feedback - sales managers / sales executives

  • Review, preparation, creation of content


I focus first on the Fundamentals or ‘foundation’ of the sales organization and then on Sales Management & Execution.


Sales Fundamentals.

A high performing sales organization starts with a strong foundation—fundamental elements including strategy, structure, training, customer allocation, sales force size, target setting & salesforce incentives, and sales productivity elements. If you don’t get the fundamentals right, the ‘machine’ will never reach its potential.


Sales Management & Execution.

Once the Fundamentals are in place, it ‘sets the table’ for your sales organization to be able to DELIVER what you want. But it’s important to get this next bit right as well. Simple things like, ‘What do you want your sales executives to do?’ and ‘How are you and/or your sales managers going to drive high performance?’ are commonly not well thought out—or left out altogether. Unfortunately, these are exactly the things that define the difference between success and failure.

Look, this isn’t rocket science, but it’s also NOT intuitive. What I do is show you what needs to be in place and provide a simple framework to execute on it.