The Goal is the Journey
Shawn Comboy Shawn Comboy

The Goal is the Journey

In the corporate world I was known for being the WORST interviewee. I remember a colleague told me once, ‘Shawn, you could interview yourself right out of any job that you were perfect for.’ And he was right.

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Imposter Syndrome
Shawn Comboy Shawn Comboy

Imposter Syndrome

If we were able to ‘change the environment’—to recognize everyone for their unique strengths and contributions, to celebrate someone who was willing to take a risk—would this ‘imposter syndrome’ disappear altogether?

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Shawn Comboy Shawn Comboy


I don’t give them anything they didn’t already have—including their own answers. I just help them with their view.

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I’m not going to wait.  I’m going to take it.
Shawn Comboy Shawn Comboy

I’m not going to wait. I’m going to take it.

She was talking to me I realized as I stood staring at the television. ‘And most of all,’ she said, ‘don’t wait to be given power.’ The voiceover stopped and she looked right at me and said, ‘You already have it.’

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Five Simple Rules for [Networking]
Shawn Comboy Shawn Comboy

Five Simple Rules for [Networking]

If the goal is to leave a good and lasting impression, it’s really not about what you say—it’s about how you show up. So for her and for anyone who is anxious about ‘making a good impression’ at a networking event—relax. Be yourself. And keep in mind a few simple rules for ‘showing up’.

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What’s YOUR Next Move?
Shawn Comboy Shawn Comboy

What’s YOUR Next Move?

I thought about how much her employer has invested in her over the years.  The experiences and opportunities they’ve provided, the training, mentoring, coaching—all to develop this amazing, confident female leader that they’ve only to tap on the shoulder to get so much more out of.   

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