Coaching services.



Everything begins with a discovery session. And it’s free.

Whether you are simply curious about what your options are or are ready to make a change, contact me for a free 30 minute discovery chat.

Take a step.

When you’re ready, you have a choice.

Coaching Engagement.

Invest in yourself and your dreams—and reach out and take what you want.

Coaching Sessions Blocks.

Schedule a block of sessions to start down your path.

Customize it.

Don’t see what you want? Book a free 30 minute chat to tell me what you’re looking for.


On demand.

Have a difficult conversation coming up or a presentation that’s got a lot riding on it?

I can help talk through your options, role play and provide feedback so you’re prepared and confident when the time comes.


Coaching Engagement.

  • 1 goal setting session

    2/month action sessions

    Unlimited email / text / minor document review

    Someone to challenge you and hold you accountable

    Someone to give you perspective when you’ve lost objectivity

    Someone to help you find your confidence and your power

  • We’ll start with a goal and plan you can achieve in 3, 6 or 12 months. Our journey starts with a 1.5 hour goal setting session. Afterward, we’ll meet 2 times per month to focus on what’s going to get you there and agree the actions you’ll take. The weeks we aren’t together are all about integration and execution.

  • 3 Month Engagement - $3,000

    6 Month Engagement - $5,400

    12 Month Engagement - $10,200


Coaching Session Blocks.

  • Custom number of 1 hour coaching sessions

    Text / email between sessions

    Someone to challenge you and hold you accountable

    Someone to give you perspective when you’ve lost objectivity

    Someone to help you find your confidence and your power

  • Our work together will start off by setting specific goals and a timeline to achieve it. We’ll set a meeting cadence that works for you, where we’ll focus on what’s going to get you to your goals—and/or what’s standing in your way—and agree the actions you’ll take. The weeks we aren’t together are all about integration and execution.

  • $400 per 1 hour session


Customize it.

  • You tell me. What do you want?

  • I’m all ears. How would you like it to work? Or, we can talk about it—schedule a free 30 minute chat.

  • That depends…let’s see what you’re looking for first.