This page is for talented, confident, powerful women. If that’s who you are or who you want to be, keep reading.

If you’ve scrolled to here, I’ve been where you are. As I’ve navigated the many chapters of my own career and coached others with theirs, I’ve noticed an interesting pattern.


Understanding what Power really is is the first step. Realizing that you’ve had it all along is next. After that, you just have to figure out how to use it.


Oh the elusive Clarity! Clarity is not only hard to find, it takes Courage (which we’ll get to). It takes honesty. It can take time. But once you’ve found it, it’s a game changer!


Confidence isn’t something that you either have or don’t have. Trust me, you have it. We just have to find it.


Yeah here it is. Courage. Courage isn’t about NOT being afraid—it is a hundred percent about BEING afraid, and moving forward anyway. Trust me, it’s worth it!


So all the others I mentioned—they are the hard ones. This last one Joy—which includes Happiness, Fulfillment, and Satisfaction—this comes along with the rest. I guess you might call it a freebie! The real kicker is that when these feelings move in, feelings of Frustration, Lack of Motivation, and Anxiety move out.

Once you’ve dialed those things in, the ‘what to do’ is easy—and chances are, you already know what it is. I help women get where they want to go.

If you’re ready, I would love to take this journey with you.


Have you ever felt like this?

‘My frustration is being replaced increasingly by a growing lack of ambition.  I’m tired of putting in countless hours, delivering amazing results, and having it ‘not be good enough’ to get me to the next level of senior leadership.  I’m frustrated and frankly a bit bored by the lack of challenge. Do I even want the next level here?’ 

News Flash—you are the hot commodity here and if your organization doesn’t see it, it’s their issue. The question is, do you want to give them another chance or start your next great adventure?


Has this ever been you?

‘I’m second guessing myself. I used to have such confidence and now I seem to have lost it. I’m tired and I don’t know what to do next.’

There’s a host of things that can lead to ‘broken confidence’—but trust me, we can figure it out and fix it!


Need help with something specific?

‘I don’t know exactly how to handle this particular situation.. conversation.. presentation.. interview.. networking event.’

Tough conversations, how to navigate awkward situations, preparing for a big meeting—that’s my thing, I LOVE this stuff! Just want some help with a particular situation, give me a shout.


What People Are Saying


“Shawn's method and approach to coaching yields results! In just a brief amount of time she helped me uncover perceptions, create actionable and impacting solutions, reframe my concerns, build confidence, and strengthen my mindset. This session made a lasting impact on me and my future!”

— Krystal / Supply Chain Technology

“I was always hesitant to invest in a coach, afraid that I would not see results, but after working with Shawn I regret not doing it sooner. In 8 months I have grown my self-confidence, learned how to have and take control of difficult conversations with leadership, and positioned myself for a promotion. I would not have excelled in these areas as quickly as I did if I was not working with Shawn. Investing in a coach is an investment in yourself and it is absolutely worth it.”

— Sara / Technology

“There is real power in being able to explore ideas, gain new perspectives, and challenge my own thinking. Shawn has a true gift in being able to provide a tailored ‘forum’ allowing me to focus in on what’s really important to take my career to the next level.”

— Kendee / Public Sector

Don’t wait. Begin.

If you’re ready to start your journey, click the button—let’s do it!

If you’re not sure and want to talk about it, click the button. There’s no pressure. I’ll listen. I’ll ask questions. I’ll describe how it works. Then you ‘noodle’ over it and decide if it’s right for you—and if you’re ready.