Take control of the rest of your life.


I help you harness your Power.

You know what you have?


It may not feel like it sometimes—as you focus on indecision, disappointment, feelings of frustration or helplessness, not having the confidence you wish you had. But you have it. What I’m good at is helping you find it—and ultimately use it to achieve what you want.

And I get it, sometimes you may not quite have that clarity on what exactly it is that you want. But that’s OK. That’s where I come in. I’m really good at listening and helping you unravel all the elements, so that you can narrow in on where you’re going and ultimately harness your power-source to get you there!

What is coaching?

I’m guessing that if you’re here, you are at least THINKING about making a change—you either know you’re not satisfied or there’s something about your life that’s getting in the way of your happiness. That’s right, I said HAPPINESS! Life is meant to be enjoyed, and if you’re not enjoying YOURS, then I challenge you to DO something about it. But does that something include coaching? That’s for you to decide. Watch my video to learn more about what it is and what it can do for you.

Find your confidence

You’re good at what you do but somehow can’t find your voice when it really counts. You wonder how others find success so easily while you spiral into ‘negative self talk’. You’re ready to take control and finally have the power over your future.


Achieve balance AND be more effective

You’re driven and a high performer but can’t find a sustainable balance between your professional and personal life. Your current approach has been successful and you fear you can’t ‘step back’ or you’ll lose your edge. But is it ultimately holding you back from achieving your full potential? And are you missing out on what’s really important? You’re ready to find out and add happiness to your body of work.


You find yourself at a crossroads—whether you chose it or it was thrust upon you. Either way it’s an opportunity to define a path to achieve more. You just need some help determining what it is you want and what actions you need to take to get there.

Leadership development

You are a new leader or are looking to become a more effective one. Unfortunately, leadership doesn’t come with an instruction manual. When you get it wrong, you can at best hope not to slow a team’s progress. When you get it right, the sky’s the limit on what a team or organization can produce. You’re ready to invest in yourself to become the authentic leader you’ve always wanted to be.

“Penetrating and insightful...so easy to talk to and allowed me to get to the heart of what was blocking me, what alternatives existed, and enabled me to choose a path forward.”

—Ken K. / High Tech Executive

“Getting coached by Shawn was a wonderful experience. It really exceeded my expectations for what it would be like to work with a coach. She's extremely thoughtful and a great listener - she doesn't tell you what to do, but helps you get to insights on your own. I would highly recommend her to anyone.”

—Steven S. / Entrepreneur

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